The Parent’s Night 2016 was a success!

Team 116 went over the official 2016 Build Season schedule and the competition trip details, provided by Mrs Frostad. Here are the forms that are required to be signed by every team member and parent:

Parent AuthNOVA

Parent AuthCentVA


2016 trip packet

Please read carefully and bring them back to Heather Youmans or Mrs Frostad ASAP.

We are also fortunate to have Ms Riddick organize this year’s meal plan. The team cannot function without the help of parent volunteers, so we are very grateful for the support. Please sign up to help out with meals; the team really appreciates it. Here is Ms Riddick’s contact information:

Subgroups were also able to show their parents all the great work that they’ve done over the past couple of weeks by modeling their Fall Projects. From a Rube-Goldberg machine to a fully-functioning robot, the parents really enjoyed watching their kids’ progression to becoming important members of the FIRST community.

To learn more about the Team’s History and how Team 116 Epsilon Delta came about, please check out this presentation from the Awards Subgroup:

Team History

Thanks for your time, parents! We hope to see more of you in the future as we move closer and closer to our competition dates.