Here is our match schedule for Friday and Saturday:
Friday (Mar 29)
09-Q 116 4242 1849 709 1731 2121 10:19am
16-Q 4456 1446 116 138 611 2974 11:15am
26-Q 2186 2630 1123 116 4464 422 1:53pm
36-Q 623 79 4137 116 1915 2630 3:13pm
45-Q 1195 2377 614 4466 612 116 4:25pm
50-Q 2912 4466 1735 166 3941 116 5:05pm
Saturday (Mar 30)
59-Q 116 686 2642 166 1522 2849 9:32am
77-Q 2914 2900 383 709 2534 116 11:56am
84-Q 1719 620 116 1389 2963 2961 11:41am
The robot is working well, and the few problems we had were quickly fixed. During our practice matches today, it seems like things were really finally coming together. In some of the practice matches, we scored 38, 46, and 58 points all by ourselves. We actually left the pits early tonight, because there was nothing left to fix, and nothing to work on! If we can keep that up, tomorrow should be pretty interesting.